Ethnic Traditional Flora Agarbatti

Ingredients for these ethnic traditional flora agarbattis are natural forest based materials to great extent consisting of natural essential oils, seeds, leaves, flowers, odoriferous roots, barks, herbs, gums and resigns, charcoal, jigat, natural honey are mixed with a pure blend of traditional perfume and hand rolled on hand selved bamboo sticks. Each & every process have been done in-house only.

Ethnic Traditional flora agarbatti is made with a touch of aromatherapy. These 9 “ sticks burns for more than 1 hour 15 mints and retains perfume for more than 4 hours in closed room, everything depending upon climatic & weather conditions

We feel using of Ethnic traditional Indian agarbattis leads in to a journey of peace, harmony and spirituality. Each and every product is indeed a summary of the great tradition that includes self control and makes all your meditative and spiritual trips smooth.